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Uwe Scholz Consult Interim Management Earnings Improvement Company Succession

Improving economic efficiency
Interim Management & Consulting


For me, managing a company means improving the economic result and promoting sustain­ability. I have always achieved this through the experience-oriented develop­ment of employees, a market focus with customer-oriented process design and a compre­hensive increase in efficiency along the entire value chain. The economy is there for the people – not the other way round!

For more than 20 years in production companies in the plastics and glass processing industry, initially as a project and plant manager and later as sole managing director, I have consistently, sustainably and imple­mentation-oriented involved all interest groups and led numerous initiatives to success – apprecia­tively and value-adding! I have particular expertise in series production and the process industry – both in medium-sized companies and in European corporations. I have successfully managed company acquisitions and sales as well as restructuring measures.


Interim Management

Manage­ment needs that cannot be met from within the company’s own ranks can arise from sudden absences, planned absences or additional expenses during restruc­turing measures. In such cases, I bring both competent manage­ment capacity and external know-how and fresh wind into the company with flexi­bility, communication skills and many years of practical experience.

The desired sustainability can only be achieved if it is possible to reach the employees and if they are willing to take respon­sibi­lity and dare to try something new, only if the manage­ment supports the necessary changes and shows consistency in imple­menting the agreed measures. Then strategic reorien­tations succeed, M&A processes and investment measures bring the planned success.


Improvement in results

Digiti­zation, inno­vations and agile forms of organi­zation are now being imple­mented along­side cost-cutting programs in order to sustainably improve the earnings situation and future viability of companies. I would be pleased to support you in inte­grating the ideas of your employees together with the impulses from outside into these projects and to dissolve possible budding fears through creative processes.

However, managers must also develop in parallel with their changing tasks and require­ments, which are created by modern processes. Not least in sales, relation­ship manage­ment is the top priority. Companies must generate real added value for their customers with attrac­tive offers and, to do so, must know their wishes and requirements exactly. Achieving a holistic cost-benefit effect in all projects helps to attract motivated and committed employees for tomorrow and to inte­grate them into the company in a meaningful way.



If the current busi­ness model does not form the basis for positive eco­nomic develop­ment, the customer benefits offered must be criti­cally examined and new offers with added value created – this includes the product and service portfolio, the sales channels and the internal processes and structures. With a feeling for what is necessary and feasible, I can support you in developing concrete steps in a goal-oriented manner, communi­cating them transpa­rently and imple­menting them sustainably. Time, liquidity and confidence in the sustaina­bility of the concepts are always critical to success in this situation. Here it is important to find the balance between the necessary depth of analysis and speed of imple­mentation and to courage­ously follow the defined path consistently – whereby I can draw on experience from a self-administered insolvency.


Company succession

Passing on a company is always a very emotional matter – espe­cially if a stranger from the family is to be at the wheel in the future. After all, you and your family built the company and have aligned your own life to it. In addition to financial aspects and the necessary skills of a possible successor, sympathy, trust and the proverbial “gut feeling” are there­fore of central impor­tance.

Identi­fying and coordi­nating the expec­tations and sensi­tivi­ties of the indi­vidual partici­pants as early and as compre­hen­sively as possible is a diffi­cult and often lengthy process. This is the way I can support you! With mutual respect, perspec­tives open up and solu­tions can be found for the individual participants. This applies both to a transi­tional period with a temporary parti­ci­pation in the former own company and to the time after the complete exit. Because the hitherto central purpose of life then no longer gives orientation to one’s own life. A completely new phase of life begins and should be prepared in time.