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Improving economic efficiency


For me, managing a company means improving the economic result and promoting sustainability. I have always achieved this through the experience-oriented development of employees, a market focus with customer-oriented process design and a comprehensive increase in efficiency along the entire value chain. The economy is there for the people – not the other way round!

More than 20 years ago I started my career as a project and plant manager in production companies in the plastics and glass processing industries, later on I moved into managing director positions. My main focus was on consistently involving all parts of the business and leading numerous initiatives to success while taking into consideration employees’ input and adding value. I have particular expertise in series production and the process industry – both in medium-sized companies and in corporations. Furthermore, I was also successful in managing company acquisitions and sales as well as heading restructuring initiatives.


Interim Management

Management needs that cannot be realized from within the company’s own ranks can arise from sudden absences, planned absences or additional expenses resulting from restructuring initiatives. In such cases I bring both, competent management capacity, external know-how and fresh wind into the company showing agility, strong communication skills and many years of practical experience. The desired sustainability can only be achieved by getting the employees to buy into management objectives and to take responsibility. This will only work with management supporting required changes and showing consistency in implementing the agreed measures. Only then strategic reorientations are successful, M&A processes and investment measures bring the planned success.


Improving results

Digitization, innovations and agile forms of organization are now being implemented alongside cost-cutting programs in order to sustainably improve profits and future viability of businesses. I can support you in combining the ideas of your employees with external influences, address possible fears and engage employees in the journey ahead.

However, managers must also develop in parallel with their changing tasks and requirements which are driven by modern processes. Especially within sales, relationship management is the top priority. Companies must generate real added value for their customers with attractive offers and, to do so, must understand their needs precisely. Achieving a holistic cost-benefit effect in all projects helps to attract motivated and committed employees for tomorrow and to integrate them into the company in a meaningful way.



If the current business model does not form the basis for positive economic development, the customer benefits offered must be critically examined and new offers with added value created. This includes the product and service portfolio, the sales channels and the internal processes and structures. With a feeling for what is necessary and feasible, I can support you in developing concrete steps in a goal-oriented manner, communicating them transparently and implementing them sustainably. Time, liquidity and confidence in the sustainability of the concepts are always critical to success in a situation like this. It is important to find the balance between the necessary depth of analysis and speed of implementation and to follow the defined path consistently. I can draw on experience from a self-administered insolvency.


Company succession

Passing on a family business is always a very emotional matter – especially if a stranger is to be at the wheel of the company in the future. After all, you and your family built the company and have aligned your own life to it. In addition to financial aspects and the necessary skills of a possible successor, sympathy, trust and the proverbial “gut feeling” are of key importance.

Identifying and coordinating the expectations and sensitivities of the individual participants as early and as comprehensively as possible is a difficult and often lengthy process. I can provide support with this area! With mutual respect, perspectives open up and solutions can be found for the individual participants. This applies both to a transitional period through to the final exit. By passing on the company the central focus of life will change. A completely new phase of life begins and should be prepared in time.